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    Tips to Increase Employee Efficiency

    No matter what product a company produces, increasing labor efficiency can increase its profits. To do more using fewer resources is the reality of modern business environment, and this trend is unlikely to change.

    Companies that manage to obtain maximum productivity and the best output from each employee basing on limited resources are likely to succeed in the long term. Current labor optimization trends indicate a shift to greater reliance on the employee, suggesting the company to introduce the following approaches.


    Provide your leading employees with managing tools they need to increase the efficiency of performance. Let them take whatever they are ready to bear but consider the informational security. If you maintain the employees with the power to solve issues "on the ground", you’ll get the time to perform tasks that are more important for top-management such as planning the strategy for development of the department or taking part in some training seminars that is a highly important.

    “Communication should travel via the shortest path necessary to get the job done, not through the “chain of command”. Any manager who attempts to enforce chain of command communication will soon find themselves working elsewhere,” Ilon Mask stated to his staff.


    The clause under which the employees have to follow the same strict work schedule regardless the specific of the very person or day-to-day changing working tasks is bad for environment and efficiency. Flexible schedules and working hours can actually increase productivity and loyalty, encourage to do more and better for a company.

    The option to work at home for some of your staff can also be productive and inspiring.

    “We’re so comfortable with facilitating virtual communication that we can truly work anywhere,” shared Shira Beder at FormAssembly. “We embrace and love collaborative technology. We’re results-oriented, more independent, and adaptable because we have no other choice if we want to stand a chance in the highly competitive job market and rapidly changing times.”

    Digital technologies

    Seems not topical for 2018 to remind that computer technology is a great way to increase the company's productivity and help each employee to do more in less time. However, this dynamically developing area requires constant checking the coming innovations that change the approach to the working process.

    Assessing the company’ condition and the need for computer technology it is good to study the manual processes ongoing at the firm and decide how they can be automated under the right technology.

    Here also stand the issues for internet filtering (how to prevent wasting the time saved due to digitalization) and providing the organization with appropriate tools for communication within the team (e-mail and bulletin boards, messengers and so on).

    "Look for project management software that is both intuitive and generally in-line with how your organization works," says Jon Payne, president, Ephricon Web Marketing. "If it doesn't meet your specifics out-of-the-box, then be sure to choose a solution that has built-in custom fields and the ability to rename fields and categories," he says. "You should change the labels in your software to suit your business, not the other way around."

    Monitoring and setting deadlines

    It is necessary to monitor and limit the amount of time an employee spends on tasks. As a tool you may use any of the activity-tracking applications and thus determine the tasks performed during the day. This will help to avoid the unnecessary and set an optimal time for solving the task. It is called controlled stress. When an employee looks at the watch, he is more focused and productive.

    It’s important to emphasize here that the process of optimization should not be chaotic but performed under control.

    Despite the fact that our development – DLP system SecureTower - is primarily designed to provide information security - many customers also use it to work with business processes. For example, after implementation you can analyze

    • where and what information is stored,
    • how the information flows and the interactions between departments proceed,
    • what the efficiency of management system performance is,
    • whether there are clearly disloyal employees and
    • into what groups the employees can be divided considering the attention required from security officers on them.

    One of the first things that our customers usually detect are employees engaged in Internet surfing and games during the working hours.

    According to the survey conducted last year by Falcongaze in the companies that use DLP solution SecureTower, 80% of the respondents reported of being preventing information leakages containing commercial value, and 11% indicated that attempts to extract such data were committed more than 10 times.

    Control and protection

    Another important task is to control not only employees, but also line managers.

    In the organization that use the DLP solution the security rules informed the officer about the workstation in the accounting department that had been running after the end of the working time. That lasted for some weeks and looked suspicions.

    After the investigation followed it became clear that the department was headed by new executive who customized the work in a way resulting one of the accountants to linger constantly. He simply dropped some of his tasks on the subordinate.

    Building a modern system of relations in an organization, one can not manage without strong protection. On the one hand, the DLP-system will psychologically stimulate the employee to adhere to job duties responsibly and improve the social environment in the organization. And on the other, protect the business from disloyal employees and insiders, whose purpose is to harm company, use its resources and steal confidential information.

    For example, the company engaged in the construction design detected an employee who leaked information to competitors. It was not easy to track his activities, since he did not send the drawings through the mail or messenger, but copied them to his workstation and photographed.

    Using the file system monitoring module, the information security officer created a data bank containing important information. The DLP system scanned all workstations in the network and found that the drawings were stored in PC of the user who did not even participate in this project.


    The above approaches of increasing labor efficiency require more independent employee, which in turn increases the importance of monitoring his activities. Competent alignment of the relations can help bring the company's performance to a new level and increase profits.

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)