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    Falcongaze Company expanded geography of its information security seminars to five countries

    Falcongaze Company summarizes the second part of events on information security in 2013. Autumn and winter range of activities was conducted from September to December and included both organization of corporate seminars and participation in major information security events in the CIS. During these four months the Falcongaze Company specialists conducted and participated in more than 20 events that took place in the cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

    This set of activities was the logical continuation of the roadshow which had been held in the spring of 2013. Spring events were for informational purposes and provided an opportunity to test the potential of the company to organize its own activities, while the autumn part of the roadshow affirmed the validity of the chosen model.

    All the spring company events were held in the atmosphere of a lively interest of the audience, which became a reliable indicator and made it possible to approach the autumn and winter range of activities with a much larger scale and to visit not only regions where the SecureTower system is already known but also the new ones.

    Program of seminars for the company autumn activities was significantly revised. Thus, in the first part of an event the specialists of Falcongaze Company introduced the main trends in the field of information security to visitors by representing common data collected by the analytical center of the company concerning situation with the level of data protection in different regions. In addition, the statistics that demonstrate the effectiveness of DLP systems use in organizations from different sectors of the economy were represented.

    Following the introduction the keynote address presented to the audience was held in the form of analysis of simulated cases of data loss, demonstrating the most common violations of information security policies in different business areas. What is more, the company's specialists demonstrated the SecureTower system functional and shared the most effective methods of its application.

    After an event visitors had the opportunity to talk to the specialists of Falcongaze Company in an informal setting and ask questions about specific cases related to data protection, as well as the system functioning given the specific features of an enterprise.

    "We strive for expanding our geography and try to cover regions where issues of information security are still not of such importance as, for example, in cities like Moscow, Saint-Petersburg or Kiev. The entry into the market of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan was a significant success for us," said Alexander Akimov, CEO of Falcongaze Company."We did our best to diversify our events using a variety of participation formats in roadshow. So part of the activities we organized ourselves, as they say, from scratch, and some activities were carried out together with our partners. In addition, our system was represented at a number of prestigious events on information security, including InfoSecurity Russia exhibition and DLP-Russia forum held annually in Moscow. Intensity of activities was quite high but we see some potential and next year we plan to expand the grid of our events even more and enter, in addition, not only into the markets of the CIS countries but also into foreign markets."

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)