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Falcongaze SecureTower version 6.4


Falcongaze has released a new version of its DLP-system SecureTower which is aimed to protect companies from data leaks and insider activity.

The adaptation to new tasks and loads has been the main vector of the update. It’s appeared to be the right direction when companies have faced the struggles of early 2020. Business needs reliability, safety, effort-saving, and time efficiency. And that is what the SecureTower DLP-system proposes.

SecureTower got two new messengers under control — Discord and MicrosoftTeams. They both have soared in popularity in the last few weeks for 70% and 50% relatively, according to the Google Trends information.

The instruments of stored and transported data control have been significantly improved. Now, the program computes hash-sums of all indexed (intercepted) files using MD5, SHA1, and SHA2 protocols. The hash-sums allow finding the corresponded files among the millions of stored ones in just seconds. Also, the possibility to import hash-sums from external sources has been added. This will be useful for banks and other enterprises that receive lists of malicious and sensitive files from the authorities.

The functions of content blocking have been also improved. The new version got the possibility to block printing documents if they contain phrases or words forbidden by the security policies. In the nearest builds, the possibility to block copying restricted content (text and images) will be added. To strengthen the system’s possibility to prevent unauthorized data transfer, the system got under control additional attributes of emails and files to intercept them.

The performance is also at the focus of the new release. Falcongaze SecureTower has become able to faster process significantly larger amounts of data using the same hardware. The processing speed of particular operations has been increased tens of times. The consumption of RAM reduced. Companies, which gather information from thousands of computers for several years, won’t meet any problem with the information’s processing and storing, and reports building.

The function to stop the key logger at assigned web pages has also appeared. The system also won’t take screenshots at these pages. This will secure users from exposing their personal data at the pages of financial services, for example.

The “Security policies” module has been improved by the possibility to create templates. Search conditions can be united into templates which you can use later for searching or to create new security policies. If a security officer would like to change several rules he should change only one template and all policies which engage this template will change automatically.

SecureTower got stronger protection against sudden electricity supply failure. If the failure appears, all the data which has been in the queue for getting stored at the time wouldn’t be lost. When the electricity supply restores all the data will be restored too and transferred to a database. 

Several interface elements have been reworked, and their logic was slightly changed to be handier. You’ll get more information from the interface and some actions will demand fewer steps.

“The mentioned are definitely not all the improvements we have added to the product. Most of them are minor but together they comprise a strong push toward higher performance and stability. We keep working. In future releases, there will be more handy, powerful, and easy-to-use information security tools. Our mission is to make the most powerful instruments available to whoever needs them. And we see SecureTower as a reliable shield for every business”, - Alexander Akimov, Falcongaze CEO, commented.

The SecureTower DLP system

  • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
  • Control of employees' work on computers
  • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)