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    Marine Technics Group protects business with Falcongaze SecureTower

    Marine Technics Group (LLC MT-Group) has ensured the protection of corporate information using Falcongaze SecureTower which is the software designed to prevent leaks of confidential data and protect business from internal threats.

    Marine Technics Group of Companies, being one of the market leaders in the supply of marine and industrial equipment in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries, is active on several fronts and provides the wide range of services including integrated supply of ships, involving design work, equipment installation and service. In addition, the company supplies equipment for oil and gas, chemical and oil refining industries.

    MT-Group is committed to providing customers with the best business solutions which meet their expectations, that is why in the company high demands are placed on information security and safety of personal data. A new stage in the process of providing comprehensive protection against internal threats in the organization was the introduction of the Falcongaze SecureTower software, which has become an essential tool that fully meets the current needs of the company in terms of risk management.

    "Continuous development of our company accompanies the emergence of new internal threats, prevention of which is one of the primary tasks of the information technology department. To protect the business and fully justify the trust of clients we use modern and the most effective means of ensuring the safety of corporate information. Mechanisms of the document flow and business correspondence control are implemented in the SecureTower DLP system by Falcongaze Company as well as possible, which was one of the deciding factors when choosing the tool that best meets the needs of the organization. In addition, we would like to stress the convenience of the functional designed for the analysis of the collected data and also the reporting system in SecureTower, which is actively used in the work by not only our department, but also by managers of the company. High level of technical support provided by the Falcongaze Company professionals leaves no doubt that we’ve made the right choice in favor of cooperation with this company," said Alexander Dyachkov, system administrator at Marine Technics Group.

    About LLC MT-Group

    MT-Group is successfully developing in different areas: supplies of marine and industrial equipment, design bureau, shipbuilding, fleet management, service maintenance. Today Marine Technics has units in the largest cities of Russia, CIS and Baltic countries. The management system of Marine Technics Group has been assessed and found to be in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)