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    DLP system in 2021. What's that and why do we need it?

    Leaders of any organization eventually realize that the company data needs protection. Nowadays few people will deny that the protection of information has become not just a desire but real necessity. The most reliable way to protect corporate data is DLP (Data Loss Prevention) systems.

    When companies make decision to implement such system, mostly they rely on two reasons: its efficiency and indirect recommendations set by regulators.

    However, it is important to understand that protecting information systems differ a lot. Therefore, its choice should be made as carefully as possible. The DLP choice is similar to the fitting of an expensive tuxedo, so in order to fit it is necessary to try it on. Preliminary testing of the product at the computers of probable client would be appropriate try-on.

    Pilot testing can fully reveal all the advantages of the system and give the customer an idea whether this software solution is suitable or not.

    Even if all the developers assure its potential clients that they have the most reliable and quality systems, only effective DLP product would "fit like a glove".

    Falcongaze analysts under forms filled out by companies that use SecureTower DLP system made analyzes of what opportunities the clients obtained with the start of the data protection system. In addition, specialists from the analytical department asked clients to describe the difficulties they faced during the installation of DLP.  

    If we talk about the imperceptible advantages of DLP-systems in 2018, many of the respondents agree that the additional functions of DLP system are as necessary as the main functionality of the solution.

    Increases working capacity

    Many clients who participated in the Falcongaze survey agreed that the introduction of a system for data protection and informing employees about DLP led to the fact that the work capacity of the staff has increased significantly and the time spent on extraneous matters decreased. We can say that the system for data protection is a kind of tool that encourages employees to take their duties more responsibly.

    HR manager helper

    A large number of clients say that the DLP system tools is highly appreciated by HR managers. They note that the functions of the SecureTower system allow you to analyze and improve the social climate of the organization. It also became possible to identify employees who adversely affect their colleagues and prevent the work of the whole team.

    dlp 2021

    Finds documents quickly

    In addition, many clients note that the DLP system could be very useful when it is necessary to quickly find and study previous business letters or to find the documents sent earlier.

    Since DLP-systems could intercept and save all the information for an infinitely long time, it became possible to find quickly all the necessary documents among the intercepted content. Company security officers say that such functionality reduces time spent to investigate an incident associated with possible data leakage.

    No spam workstations

    Sometimes it turns out that the program developers can hardly predict when and where their product might come in handy. That happened to the SecureTower system, which helped to identify spam workstations. The story seems like the well-known legend of a refreshing carbonated beverage with caffeine.

    However, despite the advantages, DLP system is always associated with some difficulties that require attention to overcome it.

    In the next part of research, the analysts compiled a list of the most common difficulties the clients face during the preparation for installing a data protection system.

    Good but too expensive

    Many top managers are in firm confidence that the DLP system is a kind of antivirus, and hence the cost of it should be about the same. Such a belief is completely wrong, since any DLP system is a tool that protects the company from a wide range of risks. As it turns out, now you can choose a good DLP system at a very reasonable price, but don't forget that the leakage of information may cost many times more expensive.


    No needed person

    There’s one more situation involving serious difficulties in DLP system introduction: the company is not ready to install such system. In other words, it happens that there’s no person who would deal with information security. Obviously, the client will postpone the implementation of DLP solution for an indefinite period.


    Vicious overseer

    Ethics sometimes may cause serious discussions against DLP systems. Some company leaders are confident that information security systems violate the fundamental rights of employees.

    At first sight, such attitude may seem very respectful. However, the great number of leaks happens solely because of the personnel negligence. In addition, DLP functionality doesn't mean the mandatory tracking of secretary Kate’ personal correspondence with tester Nick. DLP systems are to perform absolutely other tasks, namely, to control data and detect cases of information leakage. That’s why the comparison of DLP-systems to a vicious and shameless overseer is similar to the point that only high-paid killers wear good suits.

    Myth created by marketers

    Sometimes you may hear that DLP system efficiency is a myth created by marketers. Most often companies that share this opinion do not fully understand the algorithms of DLP. Of course, it’s hard to lead a convinced person. It’s much better to demonstrate how a truly high-quality system works.

    However, the blind faith in DLP system as a magic remedy to all difficulties is also wrong. DLP solution is a tool that brings company’ information and economic security to a new higher level, when combined with certain organizational measures, proper configuration and usage.

    Corporate network re-equipment

    Likewise they do with price topic, many clients think that you have to re-equip the corporate network globally to introduce DLP system.

    In fact, a quality system never requires the replacement of all equipment. Modern DLP-system can easily be integrated into an existing network.

    If the developer really respects his client, then like a good tailor he won’t force him to throw out all his clothes for the sake of one but qualitative new thing.

    One can meditate an infinite amount of time and carefully weigh all the pros and cons, as well as spend the whole day thinking of any given topic. That’s why it’s better to act: climb the porch of a tailor's shop, go inside and ask to make a tuxedo fit for your body shape.

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)