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    Top 8 temptations of an office employee

    The specialists of Falcongaze analytical department conducted a survey based on the data obtained with the help of SecureTower data leakage control system. This time the research was focused on what an average employee does on his workplace. It was found that a typical worker spends about 40% of the working time having fun.

    In other words, a person who works 40 hours per week, spends 16 hours of this time for his own pleasures.

    Obviously, sometimes it depends on the nature of the job. If an employee has a creative profession, he could sit for hours doing nothing and then, all of a sudden, invent something that would bring the desired profits to the company.

    Venerable psychologists admitted many times, that little pauses during the workday increase the efficiency and help generate new ideas. But it’s so difficult to understand where to draw a line between giving yourself a break and wasting your working time.

    Many CEO’s agree that it’s next to impossible to sit in your workplace from beginning to end of day with your head down: everybody needs to relax. For example, Google that was ranked 5th in the list of best employers of 2011, allows the workers to spend 15% of their work time on private matters.

    The specialists of Falcongaze found out that a majority of employees prefer to spend their working time surfing the internet. 90% of workers dilute a rut by messaging and chatting with friends and “fellows in work-misery”.

    The social media take the next place. 73% of stuff, registered in the social networks would often visit their pages at work.

    57% of employees like keeping abreast of the latest events. Falcongaze analysts discovered that office staff spends an average of 30 minutes to 3 hours a day reading the news.

    44% of staff practice online shopping. It should be noted that men do more online purchases than women. 86% of online orders are made by men.

    30% of employees prefer to spend the work time playing different games. Some choose the classic solitaire, others, the braver ones, battle on the virtual field of online games.

    Also, there are people who show no repugnance to watching adult materials at work. Falcongaze research shows that over 18% of employees tend to relax in a not quite legal and ethical way.

    While one part of staff is falling into indecent joy, and others are arguing whose tank is brighter and whose sword is sharper, 12% of their colleagues are enjoying a nap. And it’s not quite right to blame them for this. According to WHO statistics, 48% of people on the Earth suffer from chronicle lack of sleep.

    5% of employees prefer to spend a part of their workday for intimate relationship. Long lunches and secret dates in the supply room could strongly slow down the business process. Besides, permanent thoughts about your sweetheart and the awareness of your colleagues disturb the working environment.

    The results of the research are the following: today a computer is an office employee's best friend, but at the same time it’s a major plague and time-killer of an office. Seeing the above figures, you might as well deduce a new office law: “The possibilities of spongers are only limited by the configuration of their computers”.

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