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    One of the largest Russian retail chains protected its data using Falcongaze SecureTower

    Falcongaze Company completed the implementation of its product, SecureTower DLP system, designed to protect confidential information from leakage into the corporate network of the ALMI brand owner – Elaks Company which is one of the largest retail grocery chains in Russia and Belarus.

    A distinctive feature of retail chains is the need for an active intra-branch struggle for suppliers. It forces companies to take measures aimed at coordinated work of supply chain ensuring timely delivery of raw materials and finished products to shops. In addition, the fact that ALMI is also a manufacturer entails the need to protect the unique recipes and techniques used by the company in the production of goods. That is why the company management decided to provide an effective tool for corporate data protection to the information security department.

    According to Pavel Dolzhikov, who is the head of information technology department in LLC Elaks, several DLP products had been tested before the choice was made in favor of the SecureTower system, which suited the organization perfectly in accordance with all the stated parameters, allowing to solve the problems related to information security.

    "In our case one of the key requirements for DLP system was stable operation in the network of geographically allocated offices, while the SecureTower system fully satisfied this requirement, covering all departments in our company. A big advantage is also the fact that Falcongaze Company SecureTower has a convenient tool for different databases monitoring, which is especially important, given the specifics of a number of our departments, in particular, the sales-, marketing department and the department of regional development. Furthermore, such module of the system as the Reports Center has become an indispensable tool for our HR specialists and leading managers, as well as allowed in a short period to optimize business processes within the company," said Pavel Dolzhikov.

    About ALMI group of companies

    ALMI group of companies is a multinational retail chain focused on the broad needs of today's customers. The company is actively developing in the retail grocery market of Russia and Belarus. Activity of ALMI aims to achieve maximum customer satisfaction through continuous improvement of all business processes related to quality of service.

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)