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To ginger up Information Security: the Mission is possible


Cooperation between Falcongaze and Bitrate has reached a new level. The companies announce the launch of a new joint campaign: any compliance-minded company, which deals with personal data and sensitive information, can receive a free tool to make all data transfers, business communications and the level of corporate loyalty transparent and available for analysis and reporting.

The threat of critical information loss and spread is growing day-by-day. Sometimes when there is no reliable protection against internal threats, confidential corporate data may fall into the hands of third parties, while a business may for a long time even not have a clue about that. This happened to retail brokerage Scottrade which had suffered a leak of information affecting 4.6 million customers between late 2013 and early 2014. It has become known only now, when federal authorities have notified Scottrade of this data breach.

The situation around such companies is constantly heating up: if a business is instantly aware of a leak and is able to make prompt investigation is one thing, but when a company finds out about a leak after a long period it is a more serious issue with a long-term chain of painful consequences. Leaks of contact details, home and e-mail addresses, social security numbers of customers and partners, as well as commercial information about products, developments, financial reports and business plans turn out to be a disaster, which entails huge economic and reputational losses.

If businesses are not able to organize comprehensive information security system and thereby protect their own resources, how can they claim for the trust of customers, partners and investors? Transparency is the key to successful management of corporate information and business environment.

However, the challenge is accepted, and Falcongaze, the vendor of integrated solutions for data leak prevention as well as optimization of work processes and protection of business against internal threats, in partnership with Bitrate announces the Information Security Action promo. Each and every company interested in getting a holistic view on sensitive information management, data travel and business communications within the corporate network can receive a full-featured version of Information Security and Operational Risks Management platform SecureTower. This is backed by technical support and assistance in deployment absolutely free of charge with no further obligations. All businesses interested in the Information Seсurity Action promo are welcome to contact Bitrate for more information.

The campaign involves 30 days of SecureTower and related services at full disposal and is valid until February 1, 2016.

The SecureTower DLP system

  • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
  • Control of employees' work on computers
  • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)