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    Falcongaze SecureTower – documents print control

    According to the statistics, over 15% of data leakage accidents involve use of office printers. Besides, misuse of corporate equipment, when employees print out thousands of pages of books or technical literature for personal purposes, happens all the time. Therefore it is essential for the company’s economic and information security to control the data being printed.

    Starting with the current version of SecureTower, Falcongaze begins a step-by-step realization of full-fledged support of external devices control. As the first stage, a special module has been integrated to control all documents sent to local and network printers.

    The contents of all printed documents are audited for compliance with the pre-defined security policies, which may be based on linguistic analysis, digital fingerprinting, regular expressions, statistical indicators or any attributes of the documents. In SecureTower you can also create complex security policies combining different methods of control.

    SecureTower system accurately identifies the user who sent a document to print, the program the document was sent from and the printer used. All this allows the security office to promptly react to the incident, as the system provides all required information about it at once.

    All intercepted documents are saved into the database and can be viewed in the SecureTower Client console in PDF format. A document can be displayed to the user as text with original formatting, or as an image. If an intercepted document is displayed in a graphic format, the quality of the image can be adjusted to minimize the disk space needed to store the intercepted file on the hard drive. The intercepted document can also be exported into a PDF file, printed directly from the system interface or from an external application.

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)