Falcongaze Company is pleased to announce the release of the new SecureTower 2.9 – a system for data-leak protection of confidential information. The new version supports integration with most popular mail servers to control their message flows.
On the one hand traffic of corporate mail servers contains important information, but on the other hand it becomes very vulnerable. Usually, all internal, external correspondence and document flow (partly or completely) is organized there. The information passing through these channels contains important commercial material, financial documentation and personal information of clients and company staff. That’s why analysis and control of mail servers’ traffic is one of the top targets for information security of a company. The new version SecureTower 2.9 features a considerable enhancement of the list of mail servers under control. Also SecureTower 2.9 has been integrated with most popular solutions, which transfer information via POP3 and SMTP protocols.
It should also be stated that the solution from Falcongaze considers the interests of companies with different scales. SecureTower can provide even more protection for corporate users by checking all messages in IBM Lotus Notes/Domino and Microsoft Exchange Server (including internal correspondence of employees and sent files) for compliance with previously defined security policies.
Companies of small and medium business segment have a possibility to control more popular in this area mail servers like Kerio Connect, and free solutions based on Sendmail, hMailServer, etc.