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    Review to SecureTower from FinancesOnline

    Falcongaze is pleased to announce that its DLP solution SecureTower has been reviewed. It was made by a review platform for software and B2B services FinancesOnline. It praised our system and distinguished with two awards.

    Rising Star Award is given to new products that recently got increasingly popular on the market, are currently getting very good traction with the customers and are viewed as a service that’s really efficient for solving problems users face now.

    Great User Experience Certificate is granted to products that offer especially good user experience. The experts have evaluated how easy it is to start using the product and how well-designed its interface and features are to facilitate the work process.

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)