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Protection is guaranteed – SecureTower covers Serbia


Falcongaze and Perspekta doo has come to agreement according to which SecureTower goes under the partner’s wing for distribution in Serbia. Perspekta is an experienced company, which provides IT solutions to businesses for many years. It supplies lots of IT tools covering diverse needs of companies.

Now the market of protective software solutions in Serbia gets a new player – Data Leak Prevention (DLP) and User Behavior Analysis (UBA) system SecureTower. A highly trusted tool designed to guard business assets from internal fraud.

According to Transparency International the corruption rank for Serbia goes beyond Pan-European. When Germany takes 12, Serbia is still at 77 position from 180 countries across the world. Neighboring to China and the South American country of Suriname.

So it’s time to move out. And SecureTower can give a hand.  Making working processes more transparent the business can see what’s going on and make changes. 

SecureTower monitors almost all data transmission channels, analyses all traffic according to assigned security rules, blocks the transmission of suspicious information and automatically notifies the security officers about all incidents. The system can be installed in any network infrastructure without any need of making changes and operates unnoticeably.

“It’s good to have in our product portfolio such trusted DLP tool as SecureTower. This makes possible to provide Serbian businesses with solution which opposites fraud and corruption protecting data against leakage. Moreover, this software allows to automate routine work of security officers”, told Mirjana Leverda-Zdravkovic, CEO at Perspekta doo.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one more issue covered by SecureTower.  By means of this tool, the costumer will always be aware of the data location and access obtained to it. SecureTower monitors maximum number of communication channels and data transfer protocols getting a full control of the information.

“We present a cutting-edge tool in the field of information security. Having Perspekta as our partner we are sure that the full potential of our solution will be granted to the customers”, assured Gregory Piankou, Head of Business Development Department at Falcongaze.

Falcongaze Company was founded in 2007. Falcongaze operates as a developer and supplier of high-performance and premium-class solutions in the field of information security. The company’s flagship product SecureTower is a comprehensive solution intended to prevent information leakage and monitor personnel activities.

The SecureTower DLP system

  • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
  • Control of employees' work on computers
  • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)