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    SecureTower – flexible database and index management

    Falcongaze Company is pleased to announce the release of a new version of SecureTower system purposed for confidential data leak protection. The current version of the solution comes with a considerably refined algorithm for stored data indexing, as well as database and index management features.

    It is vital for modern DLP systems to promptly analyze all intercepted information and ensure failproof processing while being capable of controlling considerable volumes of data in different formats transmitted over various communication channels. It is also important to archive all business correspondence of a company and provide a quick access to the information stored in this archive.

    To address these issues, the new version of SecureTower has introduced a function of database and index management. The new functionality helps optimize processing of captured data by splitting intercepted information into time-segmented databases. By disabling outdated databases you can bring down the system load and increase overall efficiency. This feature also significantly accelerates analysis of intercepted information and reduces the risk of processing errors. Besides, this allows storing archives that cover an arbitrarily long period of time, which provides a possibility for deep retrospective analysis.

    Necessary databases are enabled and disabled «on the fly» by simply putting an appropriate mark, with no need to reboot the system or take any additional actions. This decreases the time required by security office to investigate an incident, as the number of data instances that need to be handled will be initially limited.

    The algorithm of data indexing was also substantially improved to make work with the system still more comfortable. The optimization resulted in a manifold increase of information analysis speed, which is especially important for big corporate networks with high data throughput.

    Thus, the new functionality of SecureTower improves the productivity of the system, increases its fail-safety, and in many cases permits avoiding additional investments into pricy soft- and hardware.

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)