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    Channels of Internal Data Leak

    Today due protection of sensitive corporate data is one of top-priority challenges faced by security departments of any organization. Threats of unauthorized disclosure of commercial, financial or any other internal classified information of a company are posed not only from the outside but also from the inside.

    Cases of corporate information disclosure through the fault of employees are reported by media on a daily basis. Naturally, it is the people working for the company having and using inside knowledge or legal access to it who represent a potential risk of an intended or accidental information disclosure. The damage from such actions may amount up to a few thousands of dollars. In that, a direct implication associated with them is an injury to the business reputation of a company both with its customers and partners, to say nothing of potential consequences of the information misuse by adversaries or competitors.

    This imposes a responsibility on company leaders to not only ensure reliable protection against possible threats of business espionage and insider activities but also to minimize the risks of information leakage due to careless or negligent actions of employees.

    A solution that can provide an adequate level of protection against information leak is establishing a continuous complex control over the main data leak channel - the Internet.

    Information may leave organization's premises one of the following ways:

    • via e-mail
    • via instant messengers (Skype, ICQ, Windows Messenger, etc.) both in a message and in a file
    • being posted in blogs and social networks
    • via a voice message or call (Skype)

    Falcongaze software products SecureTower is designed for ensuring protection against such data leaks. This is a solution for continuous monitoring of user network activities and controlling information flows transmitted over the Internet. Not only it enables the data security officer to always see what is sent to the internet, but also to receive immediate notifications of the cases when some confidential information is being sent outside the company.

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)