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One of the largest Russian chemicals manufacturers protected its data using SecureTower


Falcongaze Company declares the completion of the project which concerns the introduction of the SecureTower system designed to ensure sensitive data protection, as well as the monitoring of personnel in the workplace, into the corporate network of the Russian Uralchimplast holding company.

Uralchimplast being one of the largest chemicals manufacturers in Russia pays significant attention to the protection of commercial secrets. This issue is especially important for the company in the light of recent events associated with the exposure of one of the company's employees in the illegal transfer of confidential information to third parties.

In order to meet market realities Uralchimplast is constantly modernizing production, innovating and implementing investment projects. In connection with such a high activity the volumes of data circulating inside the company are sufficiently large. In addition, the company has its own requirements for the management of confidential documents. All these factors resulted in the need to purchase software that would facilitate the implementation of tasks to ensure data protection in Uralchimplast.

According to Pavel Redin, who is the information security department specialist in the Uralchimplast Company, when selecting information security system there were high requirements primarily for convenience in using the tool for data protection, which would be used by experts of different specialization, including the heads of departments while the accessibility of interface and low time cost are of great importance for them. Low system requirements, as well as the compatibility of data protection product with enterprise software were other important factors.

"Due to the fact that Uralchimplast is a large industrial enterprise which manufactures its own products on unique technologies the information security department has a number of objectives related to the protection of financial and technical documentation, client databases, personal information and technology used in the production process, which requires a whole range of measures to ensure data security including the selection of appropriate technologies and tools. After testing a number of DLP products we decided to implement the SecureTower system by Falcongaze Company, features and specifications of which to the greatest extent answered our requirements. Easy to use, easy search and the possibility of generating visual reports in the system were decisive factors tip the scales in favor of Falcongaze SecureTower," said Pavel Redin.

About Uralchimplast holding company

Uralchimplast Group of Companies is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of chemicals. The company specializes in the production of synthetic resins, structural and special plastics and is the only Russian manufacturer of paraformaldehyde. Uralchimplast is characterized by high technical level and product quality, and holds key positions in many commodity markets.

The SecureTower DLP system

  • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
  • Control of employees' work on computers
  • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)