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    Octraves Technology introduces SecureTower into the corporate network of Sri Sutra Travel

    Octraves Technology, which is a business partner of Falcongaze Company in Malaysia, has completed a project for the implementation of the SecureTower software solution, designed to provide information security and comprehensive business protection against internal threats, into the network of travel group of companies Sri Sutra Travel.

    Specificity of organizations representing tourism and hospitality industry consists in the work with customers’ personal data which present highly vulnerable information that requires particular care and reliable protection. In this regard, the Malaysian tourist company Sri Sutra Travel in the framework of improving corporate security policy and optimization of risk management measures decided to implement the SecureTower software by Falcongaze Company, used to counteract confidential data leakage and monitor business processes, into the corporate network.

    "Initially, the project for the purchase and implementation of the Falcongaze SecureTower software solution in Sri Sutra Travel was aimed at ensuring the security and privacy of data provided by customers, network traffic monitoring for security policy violations and optimizing the use of corporate resources, in particular the local network and the Internet, within the group of companies. When choosing a suitable product we were focusing on highly functional capabilities with a wide range of tools for information leakage prevention as well as the availability of technical sophistication for business processes monitoring," said Tabraiz Feham, the CEO of Octraves Technology.

    "Introduction of SecureTower was directed primarily at providing customers with optimized and even further efficient services. In addition, the software package by Falcongaze Company allowed us to streamline workflows and ensure full control of employee network activity. Apart from this, the ability to analyze data sent by employees is of great importance because we value our reputation and strive to provide the maximum protection of confidential information that our counterparties entrust us. Thanks to the development of Falcongaze Company, we occupy a stable position in the market and feel even more confident in the future," said Dato' Syed Mohd Razif Al-Yahya, the MD & CEO of Sri Sutra Travel.

    "Despite the fact that we have started working in the Malaysian market most recently, at the end of 2014, we have already achieved considerable success in this region. In many ways it became possible due to the efforts of our partner, Octraves Technology Company, which was able to correctly position our product taking into account the requirements of local legislation and specific features of the market. We believe that in Malaysia SecureTower will arouse considerable interest in oil and gas industry, tourism and banking sector, government agencies as well as in aviation and IT companies," said Irina Sheiko, the head of Southeast Asia direction in Falcongaze Company.

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)