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SecureTower – new licensing policy


In the new version of SecureTower, designed to protect against confidential data leaks, introduces a conceptually new software licensing policy.

Before the new licensing policy was introduced, a customer could only purchase a full version of SecureTower to control all channels of potential data leakage: e-mail, instant messengers, HTTP and FTP traffic, etc. Now, when ordering SecureTower, customers can draw up a flexible list of channels they wish to control, at their own discretion, for example, limiting such list to only corporate and external e-mail, and thus avoid paying extra for the functionality they do not need.

Change in the licensing policy was motivated by requests from those customers whose internal security policies provide for a ban on certain data transmission channels. By excluding unnecessary functionality when purchasing the product, these companies can optimize their information security expenses.

It should be noted that the transition to the new licensing policy in no way complicates the product. SecureTower will not be broken down into modules or separate software components. As in the previous versions, the solution will be installed and managed in a centralized manner from two consoles: the Administrator Console and the Client Console. All settings required to disable or add control over certain data channels are managed from the Administrator Console. If necessary, the customer just needs to contact a Falcongaze representative and remotely update the license key firmware to expand the list of intercepted channels.

Thus, the customers are provided with an opportunity to select SecureTower functionality to control data leakage through various channels themselves, which can significantly reduce the cost of system implementation by avoiding payments for excess functionality. At the same time, the customer acquires an efficient instrument to resist those internal threats, which are critical and need special control according to the security policies adopted in the company.

The SecureTower DLP system

  • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
  • Control of employees' work on computers
  • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)