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    Falcongaze SecureTower – «Best soft 2012» award laureate

    Falcongaze Company is proud to announce the winning of SecureTower system, created for corporate data protection in the award «Best soft 2012» by PC-magazine/Russian edition.

    DLP-system SecureTower created by Falcongaze Company took part in the annual PC-magazine/RE achievements review of software industry. As a result SecureTower system was awarded as solution which has had a considerable impact on the industry on whole.

    Before award the group of magazine’ technical experts, recognized authorities in their field, has examined the SecureTower system functionality. First of all they took into account the novelty of solution and the information which has been received during the detailed test of the SecureTower system. Besides the experts took into account the results of PC Magazine readers voting and feedbacks of SecureTower' users.

    «It took literally two years that SecureTower system has been passed the way from small system adopted for SMB companies to full-scale information security complex for the corporate sector. And the name of the game is the fact that the SecureTower developers managed to preserve the flexibility, compactness and efficiency which was by PC-magazine in the last year. As a result large companies were permitted to use all goods inherent in SMB sector. The system is simple in deployment and don’t ask the visits of advisers wearing expensive ties. SecureTower is relied on prompt deployment in corporate networks with architecture of any complexity» – said Oleg Lebedev, chief editor of PC Magazine/RE.

    «We appreciate keenly the award from so competent edition as PC Magazine/RE. I think this magazine is one of editions which reflects the real process of IT-industry development in complex and tracks the main tendencies in the field. It’s very nice, that our product was appreciated by PC Magazine for three times» – noted Max Shiryaev, Falcongaze PR-director.

    Important publications

    The SecureTower DLP system

    • Protection against data leaks caused by employees
    • Control of employees' work on computers
    • Identification of potentially dangerous employees (risk analysis)