Ücretsiz deneyin

Importing users from Active Directory

To import users from a local Active Directory domain, in the Users and Privileges window, on the Options menu, click Import Users from Active Directory.

 1. In the Import User Import Wizard window that opens from Active Directory, click Next.
2. In the Select Users window, from the Domain drop-down list, select the domain from which you want to import users,
3. In the list of users that appears, select the checkboxes next to the user names whose data you want to import.

Note: To sort the list fields by user name, email and description, click on the corresponding name of the list column. To facilitate the search, enter the characters contained in the name of the desired account in the filtering field. As you type in the list, only the users that contain the characters in the name will be displayed. To import all users, click the Select All button; To uncheck all users, click the Remove all button. To update the list of users, click the Update Users List button.

4. In the User Import Options section, select the required options. To import the e-mail addresses of the specified users, select the Import e-mail addresses from Active Directory option. To import information from the Active Directory about the name of the company, department and user post, check the corresponding option. In order to import additional information about users, specified in the Description section, select Import User Descriptions. To import user photos, if any, in Active Directory, select "Import user photos".

5. Click Import to start the import. When the import is complete, click OK. The imported user will be displayed in the list of user cards.